Affirmation Train: #AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 11TH AUGUST. I affirm on KingsChat Web
#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 11TH AUGUST. I affirm that the Word of God is my life! God’s Word is exalted in my heart; it’s exalted above every thought, desire, aspiration or belief. I’ve made the Word of God my contemplation and meditation; therefore, my success in life is guaranteed and unstoppable. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence, as the Word of God gains the mastery in my spirit, soul, and body; dominating my thoughts and actions. My heart is filled with the joy and laughter of the Spirit. I rejoice exceedingly in the Holy Ghost with joy unspeakable and full of glory, irrespective of the circumstances and situations that I may face. I praise my way in victory; for God has given me the supernatural wisdom and ability to do the impossible. I am not ordinary; for the Greater One lives in me! I recognize life’s challenges as my opportunities to win and make my world a better place. I am a champion for my generation and a problem-solver. I am an extension of God to my world. Through me, lives are saved, transformed and preserved today. Hallelujah! The power, beauty, and excellence of God are revealed through me to my world, as I walk worthy of the Lord, displaying the wonderful deeds and perfections of Him who has called me out of darkness unto glory and virtue. Glory to God. Hallelujah! SPEAK IN OTHER TONGUES NOW o Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. You Can Now Reach Us On: o o God Bless You. #istandwithpastorchris #rhemafortoday #yourloveworldspecials #healingstreams #prayingnow #iclc2020 #affirmationtrain #atmophereofmiracles #healingschool #reign #themonthofpraise #alignment #wordfest3 #stillpraying #preparation #FollowPastorChris #talkingsession #thankyoupastorchris #8dayofmeditation #kingschatrecommends #wehavemoved #wordfestextravaganza #ICLC #pcdltv #pcdl #healingstreamswithpastorchris
Happening Live. #BACAdamawa #BACADM #LGNAdamawa #LGNEffect
Happening Live. #BACAdamawa #BACADM #LGNAdamawa #LGNEffect
Happening Live. #BACAdamawa #BACADM #LGNAdamawa #LGNEffect
Happening Live. #BACAdamawa #BACADM #LGNAdamawa #LGNEffect