title=”Affirmation Train: #RHEMAFORTODAY Say these with me, on KingsChat Web”>#RHEMAFORTODAY

Say these with me, “My mind is blessed of the Lord! I am an offspring of the Word; I think high thoughts: thoughts that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report. Fear has no place in my heart; for God has not given unto me the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Hallelujah! The grace of God is at work in me in an increasing measure!

I am blessed and highly favoured in all things. I am in sync with the Spirit of God; therefore, I have the grace advantage. I am rightly positioned in God’s place of opportunity for me. The peace of God that surpasses all understanding guards my heart. I have power over crises and I am at peace in prosperity. Hallelujah!

I’m from above! Though I live in this world that is influenced by the devil, I don’t belong here; I hail from God. I refuse to bow to pressure; rather, I stand tall always, knowing the Lord is the strength of my life. I am on top, in charge, and in control of circumstances, because Christ is in me, and He’s my peace. Glory to God. Hallelujah!

• Nothing happens in your life except that which you’ve voiced with your mouth. Your prosperity, health, success, victory, progress, and promotion in life are the result of what you say with your mouth. ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

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