LIVE IN TRUTH BY PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32). We were created by God’s Word, and His Word is truth; that means we were created by truth. This is why truth has an eternal effect on your spirit; it has an eternal effect of success, victory, prosperity, health in your life, because truth is your source. That’s why falsehood, deceit, deception, lies and lying destroy the human spirit Lying isn’t consistent with your nature. Some people tell lies out of fear of punishment, while others do it for plain deception. Whatever your excuse might be, train yourself to tell the truth at all times. Our theme verse says, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free,” because man was created by God to be free, to be at liberty to serve Him; he can’t be bound, because truth is his true nature. Before you were born again, you didn’t have the ability to live the truth and live in truth, because you were under the dominion of sin. But now, the Bible says, “For sin shall not have dominion over you…” (Romans 6:14). You have the ability to do away with the habit of telling lies. You don’t need to cry or even ask God to take it away from you. Simply make up your mind to put away lying. The Bible says, “If you want a happy, good life, keep control of your tongue, and guard your lips from telling lies” (1 Peter 3:10 TLB). Proverbs 6:16-19 says, “These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.” Truth is in your spirit. You can live in truth; it makes you triumphant; your spirit glows. It doesn’t matter in what situation you may find yourself; truth will put you over, because truth is eternal. Praise God! CONFESSION God’s Word guides my thoughts, habits, character, and ultimately builds my life. I have the dominion over every kind of sin. I live in truth, because truth is my true nature. Therefore, I’m triumphant over every situation, ever glowing in the spirit. Praise God! #atmosphereofmiracles #wehavemoved #theyearofpreparation #completeness #liftchallenge #europaforjesus #hspc #themonthoftruth #talkingsession #affirmationtrain #rhemafortoday #truth #thankyoupastorchris #yourloveworld #wordfest3 #healingstreams


Tayo Ajibade


Praise God, for sin shall not have dominion over me!

Rita Joseph


Glory to God almighty Thank you pastor sir ?

jane nganga


Amen. Awesome! Very enlightening message. Thank you pastor sir.



Hallelujah Amen ?

David Patrick



Comfort Duncan


Amen. Truth is in my spirit and I put it to work. Thank you Sir

mary ita alimi


My life is inundated by God’s Word, Glory!!!

Nimi Mac-Anabraba


We live the life of truth Truth is our nature Hallelujah

Glorrrrry, congratulations pastor ma, am proud to be associated with you. #cemidwestzone #cesiluko #globaldayofprayer #stillpraying


It’s a meeting like no other; Just one of its kind, #ADayWithTheBoss, #CountUp2ADayWithTheBoss #WeHaveABossLikeNoneOther, #NMT #3AEVENTS #OCOS

Healing School Conference & Exhibition on my mind… Thursday 8th April @ 6pm Friday 9th April @ 6pm Sunday 11th April @ 9am #Healingschool #LWBattersea #Norwoodgroup #UKZONE2

Thank You Pastor for the testimonies of Sister Tina . Thank You Sir

The Man with RoR phenomenal Grace arrives the City of Calabar… It’s Raphpsody Convention Day 1 #RoRConvention #CalMC #TeamCalabarRocks

CE Maiduguri

HAPPENING NOW @ the #RORConvention ?An Elegant Performance of the Loveworld Anthem by the Zonal LMAM Director, Esteemed Deaconess Mimi Philips. #RORConvention #OpeningSession #CalMC #TeamCalabarRocks

Updated his profile photo

Electrifying Moment Of Prayer Led By Esteemed Pastor Ivor Tabe…?