SPEED OF THE HOLY GHOST ~ PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME. And the hand of the LORD was on Elijah; and he girded up his loins, and ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel (1 Kings 18:46). There’s such a thing as the speed of the Holy Ghost, where you achieve and accomplish things supernaturally. It’s part of the ministry of the Holy Ghost in our lives: He causes us to accomplish feats that are beyond human comprehension, and in record time. For example, after the Holy Ghost came on the Apostles, on their first day of evangelism, three thousand souls were won and added to the Church (Acts 2:41)! During their next outreach, five thousand men (women and children not counted) were added to the Church (Acts 4:4). These were supernatural achievements; divine speed in operation. Today, it’s even greater, because the Bible says the glory of this latter house shall surpass the former (Haggai 2:9). We’re moving with the speed of the Holy Ghost to accomplish extraordinary results for the Kingdom. The Bible says, “For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness…” (Romans 9:28). If you have a project to accomplish, do it with God’s power and speed. You say, “Father, I have this project; I’m going to do it by the power of the Holy Ghost; it’ll be excellent, it’ll be on time, and it’ll create more opportunities for me and others to accomplish greater things for the Kingdom, in the mighty Name of Jesus!” It’s a new day; it’s the day of the Lord’s power, and great things are happening with us, to us, and through us. We read in our opening verse that Elijah outran Ahab’s chariot. Those horses were the most sophisticated, the best and fastest horses in Israel, because they were the King’s at a time in which horses were required for war. The glory of the Lord is in your spirit, placing you far ahead of your detractors, competitors, and adversaries. Blessed be God! Say these with me, ’I’m flying on eagle’s wings; I run with the ability of the Spirit, and I’m never weary. The accuracy and precision of the Spirit are working in me mightily; I see the invisible and do the impossible! Glory to God!’ #istandwithpastorchris #rhemafortoday #yourloveworldspecials #healingstreams #prayingnow #iclc2020 #affirmationtrain #atmophereofmiracles #healingschool #reign #themonthofvisualization #alignment #wordfest3 #stillpraying #preparation #FollowPastorChris #talkingsession #thankyoupastorchris #8dayofmeditation #kingschat #yokoos #kingschatrecommends #wehavemoved #wordfestextravaganza #ICLC #pcdltv #pcdl #healingstreamswithpastorchris

jane nganga


Amen. I see the invisible and do the impossible! Glory to God !

Charlie S


I’m flying on eagle’s wings, I’m going forward and upward with the speed of the Holy Ghost, Hallelujah ? Glory to God!

Prince Astrico


Hallelujah, Glory to God. Thank you Pastor Sir.

Egbe Lucy


, Hallelujah, Glory to God

Betty Opagi


Amen! Thank you Pastor!

Joseph Sabo


Hallelujah to the son of God

Olatoun Akib


Hallelujah, thank you pastor sir.

Bash Orie


Hallelujah! Glory to God!!! ???

Takesure Chimenya


Hallelujah! Thank you Pastor Sir. I love you dearly.

Updated his profile photo

Who wins Psalmist of the Year? ”Beyond the prowess of rhymes and rhythm, each breath of mine will ever stan your name.” LIVE ON LXP This Wed 7.30am GMT +1 #PsalmsoftheScribes #PsalmistoftheYear #LGNScribes #LGNrules #LXP

Updated his profile photo

Hallelujah! I am in Christ; my future is sure

Hlaya Rhapsodi Ya Wena Namunthla Nhlokomhaka: U Hi Endlile Lava Hanyisaka Siku: 27 Ndzhati Kuma Rhapsodi leyi heleleke eka ? http://distribution.rhapsodyofrealities.org/dept/?team=southafrica #XitsongaRhapsodi #Rhapsodiyamintiyiso #Tsalwarasikunasiku ???

Who wins Psalmist of the Year? ”You are much more than Euros and dollars; the world and its treasures are all but vain.” LIVE ON LXP This Wed 7.30am GMT +1 #PsalmsoftheScribes #PsalmistoftheYear #LGNScribes #LGNrules #LXP

#prayingnow #prayathon2021 #PCLprayathon2021 #iamapriestinoffice #Ukzone1 #LWNewcastle Central

Yhhhhhh 10000 posts.. and together we will do more… loving KC everyday.. Love the recent updated version.. just love love love… #kingschat

Who wins Psalmist of the Year? ”You effused your light oh Lord of glory; like an exquisite scent in every place.” LIVE ON LXP This Wed 7.30am GMT +1 #PsalmsoftheScribes #PsalmistoftheYear #LGNScribes #LGNrules #LXP

Keep Saying It Your Confession of the Word is your response to the Word. – PASTOR CHRIS – THE IMPORTANCE OF PARTNERSHIP! Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor (ECCLESIASTES 4:9). Pointing out the importance of partnership in ministry, the Apostle Paul wrote, “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase” (1 CORINTHIANS 3:6). Years ago, I would journey to remote villages with videotapes and tracts containing messages preached by T.L Osborn. Through those messages, many souls were won to the Lord, delivered from demonic oppression, and healed from varying diseases. Read more ? https://bit.ly/PartnershipArticles I TESTIFY! Christy from Spain testifies of the miraculous healing of her son who suddenly developed a growth in his chest. After several visits to the hospital, he was scheduled for surgery. However, when she came in contact with Christ Embassy Online via the Light Up Europe campaign…. Read more. http://bit.ly/_Light_Up_Europe Through the Light Up Europe Campaign, many receive miraculous healings and have hopeless situations turned around! PARTNER with us Today to reach countless more! ??? http://bit.ly/_Light_Up_Europe Make Joy resound in heaven TODAY! Send this link ? bit.ly/Save-A-Life-Today AND give someone the opportunity to receive salvation! Stay connected to God’s Word on the go non-stop on LiveTv Mobile App. DOWNLOAD NOW!!! http://bit.ly/LiveTV_mobileapp JOIN our Yookos Community ??? https://bit.ly/CEOP-Yookos #RhapsodyofRealities #Confessions #Prayer #KeepSayingIt #DailyConfessions #SaveALife #SoulWinning #MakeThisGoViral #TellAFriend #ChristEmbassyOnline #PastorChris #September2021 #Visualization #love #Monday