title=”Affirmation Train: #RHEMAFORTODAY 26TH JUNE. Say these on KingsChat Web”>#RHEMAFORTODAY 26TH JUNE.

Say these with me, ‘God is at home in me! The excellence, beauty, and perfections of divinity are manifested through me today, as I freely enjoy the benefits of my inheritance in Christ! I experience unlimited victories and success because I am being piloted by the Spirit, with the Word prevailing mightily in my life. I am fruitful and productive in all things because the Word is alive in me.

I am unstoppable; for the Lord is my source and my sufficiency, He has made all grace abound towards me and I do not lack or suffer want for any good thing. I am blessed with all things that pertain to life and godliness. Everywhere I go, I enjoy my inheritance of financial abundance and supernatural prosperity in Christ. I am blessed and highly favored in all things.

The Lord has granted me supernatural insight, ability and spiritual understanding of all things. Thus, I am able to discern and walk in His perfect will at all times. My life is the fulfilment of the destiny that He has ordained for me. Hallelujah! I am in Christ, not under satan’s jurisdiction; he has no authority over me, and cannot decide what happens to me. I dwell in the Kingdom of God’s dear Son; the realm of health, wealth, prosperity, and life eternal, soaring on the wings of the Spirit. Blessed be God. Hallelujah!

• Nothing happens in your life except that which you’ve voiced with your mouth. Your prosperity, health, success, victory, progress, and promotion in life are the result of what you say with your mouth. ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

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