#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 22ND APRIL. I affirm that I am alive unto God! Every fibre of my being is inundated with divinity. The words that I speak are spirit and life; they’re operative, potent, and effectual, charting the course of my life in the direction of God’s divine purpose and destiny for me in peace, joy, fulfillment, health, success, and prosperity. Hallelujah! I and the Father are one; I am a carrier and distributor of His blessing to my world. Through me, the Father shows forth His manifold wisdom and demonstrates His excellent greatness. I am the seed of Abraham and the world belongs to me. My family, workplace, neighbourhood, city, and nation are all blessed for my sake. I am powered by the Holy Spirit and the eyes of my understanding are enlightened to bring forth divine verities into the earth. I am not of this world; I hail from God. I am from the government of heaven; thus, I can never be trapped by the rudiments of this world. I am seated together with Christ in the heavenly places; far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. Blessed be God. Hallelujah! SPEAK IN OTHER TONGUES NOW o Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. You Can Now Reach Us On info@affirmation-train.org www.affirmation-train.org God Bless You. #istandwithpastorchris #themonthoftruth #yourloveworldspecials #alignment #uplifting #champion #healingstreams #vision400 #affirmationtrain #prayingnow #stillpraying #wordfest3 #rhemafortoday #healingschool #FollowPastorChris #talkingsession #thankyoupastorchris #8dayofmeditation #truth #hspc #atmophereofmiracles #europaforjesus


Deaconess Stacey Igbeta


I am from the government of heaven; thus, I can never be trapped by the rudiments of this world. 5th

Bro maxwell Dixon


4th My family, workplace, neighbourhood, city, and nation are all blessed for my sake. Amen!



Hallelujah!! Amen! ?



4th done




Deaconess Stacey Igbeta


I am powered by the Holy Spirit and the eyes of my understanding are enlightened to bring forth divine verities into the earth. 4th



I affirm that I am alive unto God! Every fibre of my being is inundated with divinity. 1st Done ?

Bro maxwell Dixon


3rd Glory, I am a carrier and distributor of His blessing to my world. Amen. Hallelujah!



3rd done

Bro maxwell Dixon


Praise God, I am the seed of Abraham and the world belongs to me. Amen. Hallelujah!



2nd done

It’s World book day. #worldsno1author #worldsgreatestauthor #imaworldchanger #ministrycentrewarri

Don’t make the word of God an option in your life#LSDCDay #BlueEliteCommunity #SpecialistDepartment #Midwestzone #DSP #Group4

Don’t make the word of God an option in your life#LSDCDay #BlueEliteCommunity #SpecialistDepartment #Midwestzone #DSP

Don’t make the word of God an option in your life#LSDCDay #BlueEliteCommunity #SpecialistDepartment #Midwestzone #DSP #Group4

Happy birthday Pastor Ma thank you for your love and care, thank You Ma for teaching me ministry I love you Ma #cebiu #yesisanangel #pastornikeadewolu #pna #cebeninzone1

#Worldbookday #CEEket #SSz2

Counting up …….. Saturday 24th April 12 noon UK ZONE 2…… #loveworldmiltonkeynes #ukzone2

Best authour. #worldsno1author #worldsgreatestauthor #imaworldchanger #ministrycentrewarri

Updated his profile photo

THAT SAME POWER IS PRESENT TO HEAL ? www.enterthehealingschool.org/imagazine You too can minister healing to the sick and hurting around the world through the distribution of this special edition of the Healing to the Nations Magazine. The April Healing to the Nations Magazine contains outstanding testimonies and highlights from the March Healing Streams Live Healing Services with our Man of God. Hurry now! Download your FREE e-copy at www.enterthehealingschool.org/imagazine and get your family, friends and loved ones to do the same. Be a part of making global impact through the distribution of the April Healing to the Nations Magazine TODAY! God bless you. #ispreadfaith #spreadfaithcampaign #healingstreams #healingtothenations #affirmationtrain #wordfest #wordalive #PastorChrisLive #hspc #YearOfPreparation