EVER INCREASING KNOWLEDGE. TAKE IN MORE KNOWLEDGE BY PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME. ”With his mouth the godless man destroys his neighbor, But through knowledge the righteous will be delivered.” Proverbs 11:9 NASB Many are victims of ignorance, not sin or satan. They suffer, are defeated, sick, broke and poor because of their lack of knowledge and understanding of the new creation life. They’ve never been taught that there’s a higher life in Christ. For you to express your faith effectively, there has to be knowledge, because faith comes to you in the Word (Romans 10:17). The only thing standing between some Christians and the transcendent life to which they’ve been called is their ignorance of God’s Word, not sin or the devil. Jesus dealt with the problem of sin and defeated the devil. That’s why we’re grateful to the Lord for the opportunity to bring you God’s Word every day, through the devotional, our other books and tapes, and our teaching programmes on TV and through the internet. Accurate and adequate knowledge of God’s Word will build your faith and catapult you to a higher level of operation in the spirit. Never be too busy to study the Scriptures or attend Church regularly. The Church is the place God has ordained for His children to learn and be built up in the Word. Having been born again, God has brought you into the glorious life, but ignorance can keep you from enjoying that life. The quality of life you live is directly related to the revelation of God’s Word in your spirit. The enemy may take advantage of a man’s ignorance and keep him in bondage, but the moment the knowledge of God’s Word dawns on that man’s spirit, he’ll walk out of bondage: “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). The knowledge of God’s Word liberates you to live to your fullest potentials in life. PRAYER Precious Father, my heart is open to receive your Word gladly and with faith today, as I study the scriptures, and listen to your Word. My spirit is flooded with light, and my whole being is inundated with your truth which causes me to surmount every adversity and live triumphantly, in Jesus’ Name. Amen. #istandwithpastorchris #rhemafortoday #yourloveworldspecials #alignment #healingstreams #prayingnow #pcdl #affirmationtrain #atmophereofmiracles #themonthofillumination #healingschool #wordfest3 #stillpraying #preparation #FollowPastorChris #talkingsession #thankyoupastorchris #8dayofmeditation #kingschatrecommends #truth #reign #iclc #iclc2021 #wehavemoved #worfestextravaganza #healingstreamswithpastorchris

God’s Saint- Merecie


Amen, Praising e and Glory to God!! ? Thank you Pastor, Sir. ???????

Rita Joseph


Amen, thank you pastor sir

lmmaculate Church


Amen.Thank you so much Pastor Sir.lam forever grateful Sir. God bless you.

???? ????? #POA630 #LOVEWORLDCHILDRENSMINISTRY #ValorosoSoldatesa #POA630 #Deidei2 #CEAZ

#LSDCDAY5 #BlueEliteCommunity #LTMandRadiodepartment

#prayingnow #1monnthnonstopprayer #CEAccraGhanaZone #CeLAATeensChurch #Name professional

Only 6 Days to GO ….am ready in celebrating my Word Practitioner,Pastor Ma. #POA630 #Chnschurchmin #sazone5cekk

HBD Dearest Esteemed Pastor Nina Okwu. Keep shining in the Court of our Lord. #cemodelchurch #ceisolo1group #celagoszone2

Casting crowns.


It’s up to us to pray! Join us live at the Global Day of Prayer with Pastor Chris happening tomorrow by 6 pm GMT+1???? on our website: www.volunteermedicalcorps.org/globalprayer #vmcorps #lmms #prayingmedics

Happy birthday dear MOG…. This is saying you are highly thought of in a very special way in this special Day…. Happy birthday Sir ??

Don’t you miss out on this one