#RHEMAFORTODAY 5TH AUGUST. Say these with me, ‘I’m in the centre of God will for my life. I know God’s thoughts for me; they’re thoughts of peace and not of evil, to bring me a glorious end-result. I walk in the path, which the Father had prepared for me before the foundations of the world, living the good life, which He prearranged and made ready for me! I am triumphant always, living in, and manifesting the glory of God. Hallelujah! The Lord has given me an understanding of the Word of His grace, with which my life is being built, and established in His righteousness, victory, glory, and success. I am one with the Word; it grows mightily in me and prevails over sickness, death, failure, and all negative circumstances. The Word propels and causes me to function excellently in all my affairs. I am full of life; my tongue is a tree of life, and my spirit is a reservoir of God’s Word. Out of my heart and my mouth flow the rivers of life, and I am impacting my world with blessings. I am Abraham’s seed, and therefore, an heir according to the promise! As Abraham was very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold, so have I been made exceedingly fruitful and rich in all things! I am plugged to a heavenly supply, living in abundance always. Blessed be God. Hallelujah! o Nothing happens in your life except that which you’ve voiced with your mouth. Your prosperity, health, success, victory, progress, and promotion in life are the result of what you say with your mouth. ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. #istandwithpastorchris #rhemafortoday #yourloveworldspecials #healingstreams #prayingnow #iclc2020 #affirmationtrain #atmophereofmiracles #healingschool #reign #themonthofpraise #alignment #wordfest3 #stillpraying #preparation #FollowPastorChris #talkingsession #thankyoupastorchris #8dayofmeditation #kingschatrecommends #wehavemoved #wordfestextravaganza #ICLC #pcdltv #pcdl #healingstreamswithpastorchris



2nd done







Prince Astrico


Amen. Glory to God. Thank you Pastor Sir.



In Jesus name Amen ?

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