title=”Affirmation Train: #AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 17TH MAY. I affirm on KingsChat Web”>#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 17TH MAY.

I affirm that God has granted me favour, peace, and ensuring fruitfulness, prosperity, and productivity in every area of my life! Everything in my world conforms with God’s will and destiny for me. The Father has counted me faithful to commit unto me the ministry of reconciliation. I am chosen and anointed by the Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel with power and impact my world with His divine presence. I have the supernatural wisdom and ability to always do things right the first time.

The grace for perfection is at work in me, as I diligently carry out the responsibilities which have been committed to me. I refuse to be quiet about the Gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation. That power is released to turn men from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God as I proclaim the Gospel today. Hallelujah! I am full of God’s might; for Christ, the embodiment of all knowledge, wisdom, and power is alive and exalted in me, working and touching lives through me! Hallelujah!

I’m continually filled with the Spirit to be effective in the ministry of the Gospel, communicating God’s divine presence to my world and bringing in a great haul of souls to the Kingdom, I live the higher life in Christ; I walk in absolute victory and dominion over this world! I live above, reign over, and subdue life’s circumstances and situations, to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal King of glory. Hallelujah!


• Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

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