#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 8TH AUGUST. I affirm that the Word of God is for my progress, blessings, and promotion! My heart is opened to receive God’s Word and live by it today. I walk day after day by the light of God’s Word. I am not moved by the natural circumstances that exist in the world. God’s Word is the light by which I operate in my job, finances, family, and everything that concerns me. I am aware of God’s bountiful provisions for me, and I am enjoying them because I see by the greater light of His Word. I refuse to be swayed by the many contrary voices in the world; rather, I make a deliberate choice to look away from everything else and focus my gaze on the Word. By this, I continuously function in the realities of the Kingdom. Hallelujah! I am rooted and grounded in the Word; therefore, grace and peace are multiplied in my life. I have the grace to face challenging situations and still come out victorious! I am powered by the Spirit, and the strength of the Spirit wells up within me each time I am faced with adverse circumstances that challenge my faith! God’s indwelling and abiding presence is my guarantee that, come what may, I will always be a winner. Glory to God. Hallelujah! SPEAK IN OTHER TONGUES NOW o Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. You Can Now Reach Us On: o info@affirmation-train.org o www.affirmation-train.org God Bless You #istandwithpastorchris #rhemafortoday #yourloveworldspecials #alignment #healingstreams #prayingnow #pcdl #affirmationtrain #atmophereofmiracles #themonthofpraise #healingschool #wordfest3 #stillpraying #preparation #FollowPastorChris #talkingsession #thankyoupastorchris #8dayofmeditation