title=”Affirmation Train: #AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 24TH JUNE. I affirm on KingsChat Web”>#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 24TH JUNE.

I affirm that I know who I am, and what belongs to me. I am Abraham’s seed, an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. Christ is in me; in Him I live and move and have my being. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Satan and the world are under my feet. I live in victory, divine health and prosperity, and my life gravitates upwards and forward only, from glory to glory. I am a child of the King! The Spirit of God has ushered me into a place of rest, where everything is working for my good. I am the perfection and epitome of beauty.

Everything about my life is infused with divinity and speaks of God’s glory. Eternal life, love, health, peace, joy, righteousness, prosperity; are all mine! I am well equipped and placed by the Lord. I am seated together with Christ in the place of power; far above all principalities, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come. I live in dominion over sin, sickness and infirmities, and every opposing force, accusation or hindrance. Hallelujah!

The Lord is my source; therefore, I can never lack! I walk in the light of my prosperity, being the seed of Abraham. I have access to wealth untold because I am plugged into God’s unending supply. Hallelujah! The knowledge of God’s Word is growing mightily and prevailing in me; I am making progress by the Word and heaping up success upon success. Everywhere I go, I carry the atmosphere of prosperity, joy, and increase, and Christ is exalted and glorified in me today. Blessed be God. Hallelujah!


• Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

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