#TALKINGSESSION 8TH MAY. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word, which causes Your glory to shine forth with much intensity in my life and in all that I am connected with. As I meditate on the Word of faith, I experience victory, divine health, and blessings! My life is an expression of Your supernatural grace, glory, perfection, beauty, and righteousness. I am continually metamorphosed from glory to glory. My life is excellent and full of glory; I am crowned with righteousness and honour, and the pleasure of the Lord is prospering through me. Christ is exalted in me today and evermore; my life is for His glory. Hallelujah! I’ve risen with Christ, and my affection is set on things above, where Christ sits at the right hand of God. I love You Lord with all my heart, and living for You is all that matters to me; to be relevant to the expansion of Your Kingdom, and the establishment of Your righteousness on earth. Hallelujah! Christ has taken up His abode in my spirit, and I’ve become His living tabernacle and operational centre in the earth. I live the Christ-life and unveils His character, glory, wisdom, grace, and righteousness. Through me, His beauty and perfections are revealed in my world, in an ever-increasing measure through the ability of the Holy Spirit at work in me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen. o Keep saying it, publish it everywhere; noise it abroad! In Christ, we’ve got something to shout about. Let’s flood the airwaves, internet and print media with the reality of Christ. Speak in other tongues now. ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. #healingstreamswithpastorchris #8DOM #themonthofillumination #talkingsession #affirmationtrain #thankyoupastorchris #strengthened #prayingnow #stillpraying #theyearofpreparation #rhemafortoday #8daysofmeditation #prayathon2021 #wordfest2021 #worddrive #wordfest3




Christ has taken up His abode in my spirit, and I’ve become His living tabernacle and operational centre in the earth. 2nd Done ?

Sis Maria


Hallelujah! I am continually metamorphosed from glory to glory. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!



4th done



Thank You Heavenly Father for Your Word, which causes Your glory to shine forth with much intensity in my life and in all that I am connected with. 1st Done ?

Saturday May 8th- Preach in Your World Rhapsody of Realities for Early Readers. Share! Share!! Share!!! #TrainUpaChild #Organicpavilionshf #lovinaproducts #CeAccraGhanaZone #rhapsodyofrealities #yourloveworld #Organicpavilionshf #lovinaproducts #CeAccraGhanaZone #rhapsodyofrealities #yourloveworld #Organicpavilionshf #lovinaproducts #CeAccraGhanaZone

Updated his profile photo

Updated her profile photo

Use these Divine Health Confessions to keep your Spirit, soul, and body alive. #Divinehealthconfession #FaithProclamations #healingtothenations

Use these Divine Health Confessions to keep your Spirit, soul, and body alive. #Divinehealthconfession #FaithProclamations #healingtothenations


#WORDALIVE MAY 8TH I declare that I am a joint heir with Christ and the seed of Abraham, I have an excellent mind; everything I do turns out right, because I live in the will of God, guided, guarded, and propelled by wisdom. I am blessed with all things that pertain to life and godliness; for I am an heir of God’s blessings. Goodness and mercy are channeled towards me and the blessing of God’s Word has become a vital reality in my life, in my business, in my ministry, in my career, in my academic, in my home, and in all that concerns me. I am mightily blessed by the Spirit of God; thus, I am fruitful and productive in all areas of my life. Even now, the blessing of God is at work in me, causing me to increase from glory to glory, from grace to grace, from strength to strength, and I continually experience the victory of Christ in my life. Glory! I am guided and preserve from wicked and unreasonable men. By the power of the Spirit of God, I continually move to the next and higher levels of success. My way is paved by the Spirit; therefore, circumstances, men, materials, finances are fallen into place to cause me to move to next and greater levels of success. Glory. As I speak forth now, angels are dispatched on my behalf. None of my words fall to the ground without results. I bring forth excellence from my spirit today and always. Hallelujah! The word is alive in me! #Speakintonguesnow #Dailyconfession #keepsayingit #Thewordwork #Raphsodyofrealities #Affirmationtrain #myyearofpreparation #MonthofIllumination #abujazone#ceaz #loveyoupastorchris Our Yokoos @WordAlive Facebook: WordAlive

DHCONFESSIONS 8TH MAY 2021 ???? Download the Healing School mobile app now @ www.enterthehealingschool.org to listen to our DHC podcast. Christ has taken up His abode in your Spirit and you have become His living tabernacle. Your life is the manifestation of the Christ-life that is working in and through you. Follow our Superuser @hschool for many more inspiring contents and updates from various programs and projects around the world. Thank you and God bless you! #dhconfessions #healingstreams #healingtothenations #healingstreams #hspc #affirmationtrain #iSpreadFaith #livehealingserviceswithpastorchris #SpreadFaithCampaign #Prayingnow #worddrive #Yourloveworld #wordfest #PrayingNow

#Sayit1000timesaday #THMN #TheHavenMillennialsNetworks #TheHavenNation

…the illumination of the mind.