Dear Heavenly Father, how I love Your Word; it’s life to my spirit and light to my path. The entrance of Your Word has illuminated my path to know and walk in Your perfect will. As I fellowship with You today through prayer and study of Your Word, I receive divine insight and guidance for my progress and prosperity. Thank You for the investments You’ve made in my life. I am conscious of Your abilities in me and the changes that can be accomplished in society through me, as I blaze new trails to fulfil Your good pleasure.
My faith in You is the power to change my world, and frame the circumstances of life to conform to Your destiny for my life! I am not a victim in this world, for I possess the power to determine the course of my life according to Your Word.
Thank You for giving me a purpose and a destiny in You, which I live to fulfil today, and every day. I am a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, holy, and a peculiar treasure unto You. I was born to reign and rule in life with the dominion of the Spirit. Through my words, I effect changes in the realm of the spirit and cause circumstances and situations to align with Your plan and purpose today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
o Keep saying it, publish it everywhere; noise it abroad! In Christ, we’ve got something to shout about. Let’s flood the airwaves, internet and print media with the reality of Christ. Speak in other tongues now. ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
#healingstreamswithpastorchris #8DOM #themonthofillumination #talkingsession #affirmationtrain #thankyoupastorchris #strengthened #prayingnow #stillpraying #theyearofpreparation #rhemafortoday #8daysofmeditation #prayathon2021 #wordfest2021 #worddrive #wordfest3
In Jesus name Amen ?
Musu McEwan
1st done
Glory be to God for ever more!
Through my words I effect changes in the realm of the spirit and cause circumstances and situation to align with your plan and purpose today in Jesus name
Pastor Olu
I was born to reign and rule in life with the dominion of the Spirit. Hallelujah.
SZ9 …Thank you Gvnr Dickson Sir. I partake the harvesting of Kingdom finances and souls . SZ9…Christ is our wisdom and we do not labour to be rich because we are the chosen and called ones by GRACE. I am moving by the speed of the spirit.
The countdown has begun
I’ve put on my dancing Shoes and I’m ready to Celebrate My Mommy.
An Icon Of Excellence,
A Soul Winner,
A Game-Changer,
A Visionaire….
A Push to The Next Level
CE Killeen, Dallas Group
Group 4
Updated his profile photo
Happy Birthday Sis. Blessing Egba,
The abundance of the sea is converted to you now and always. You’re strengthen in your inner man by the Holy Ghost.
? ? ?
Il a tout mis sous ses pieds, et il l’a donne pour chef supreme a l’Eglise, qui est son corps, la plenitude de celui qui remplit tout en tous (Ephesiens 1:22-23).
Avez-vous deja pense au fait que l’Eglise soit la plenitude de Christ? Nous sommes la completude de Christ; Il est la tete et nous sommes le corps. Nous sommes la plenitude de celui qui remplit tout.
Jean 1:16 dit, <> Nous avons recu de sa plenitude. Lorsque vous avez recu le Saint-Esprit, vous l’avez recu ENTIEREMENT. Votre humanite a ete supplantee par la vie et la nature de Dieu. Aujourd’hui, vous etes le tabernacle vivant de Dieu; vous etes immerge en lui, et lui en vous. Alleluia!
Vous avez recu en toute plenitude tout ce qui constitue la divinite en Jesus-Christ. Toute sa puissance, sa gloire, sa domination, sa force et sa sagesse; tout ce qu’Il est, possede et represente– vous l’avez recu! Imaginez si vous aviez vecu toute votre vie avec cette conscience?
Souvenez-vous des paroles de Jesus dans Jean 10:10, <> Vous n’avez plus besoin de plus de vie de Dieu lorsque vous etes ne de nouveau; tout ce qu’Il a, vous l’avez recu. Vous avez recu sa capacite, sa sagesse, sa connaissance, sa gloire et sa domination.
Pas etonnant que Jean nous dise dans 1 Jean 4:17, <> Si nous avions moins de vie que lui, nous ne serions pas decrits comme <> (Ephesiens 1:23). Chacun de nous est rempli en lui et avec lui. Vous etes rempli de Dieu. C’etait le plan de Dieu depuis la fondation du monde, pour que nous soyons et ayons sa plenitude; et Il l’a accompli en Christ Jesus, en envoyant le Saint-Esprit vivre en nous.
Je suis rempli de Dieu; Sa gloire est en moi et s’exprime a travers moi. Je suis le reflet de la grace, de la sagesse et de la justice de Dieu. J’ai recu de sa plenitude; ainsi, ma vie est une manifestation continue de Christ et du surnaturel! Alleluia!
Jean 3:34; Colossiens 2:9-10
LECTURE DE LA BIBLE EN 1 AN: Jean 1:19-51 & 2 Samuel 18-19
LECTURE DE LA BIBLE EN 2 ANS: Marc 7:24-37 & Nombres 7
#halingschool #wehavemoved #alignment #completeness #wordfest3 #yourloveworld #affirmationtrain #hspc #themonthoftruth #theyearofpreparation #talkingsession #thankyoupastorchris #8daysofmeditation #rhemafortoday #globaldayofprayer #8dom
“Your mouth is the rudder that controls your life!” – PASTOR CHRIS.
Let your words and actions be consistent with your divine nature. Get the Rhapsody of Realities! ? https://bit.ly/RhapsodyAppFREEDownload
There is a devourer, and sometimes Christians fall prey to this. We are victors, not victims. There are some things God wants us to have, and one of them is the right consciousness/mentality. Not every Christian is talking to people about Jesus Christ but we are all meant to be winning souls. If you want to operate beyond the ordinary as a Christian, you must be involved in partnership. Read more ? https://bit.ly/PartnershipArticles
Lebo Shabalala From South Africa testifies of God’s healing power when she came in contact with Christ Embassy Online outreach campaign to Southern Africa. Read more ? https://bit.ly/Outreaches_Southern_Africa
Through the online outreaches to Southern Africa, many receive miraculous healings and have hopeless situations turned around! PARTNER with us Today! ? https://bit.ly/CEOP_OutreachesToSouthernAfrica
Remember to SHARE your testimony with us TODAY! ?
Have you won a Soul TODAY? Send this link bit.ly/Save-A-Life-Today to a friend or loved one out there needing Salvation!
JOIN our Yookos Community ? https://bit.ly/CEOP-Yookos
(See The Glory Of God And Live Like It!)
2 Corinthians 3:18 NASB “But we all, with unveiled faces, looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.”
Corinthians 3:18 describes the glory that comes from the Word of God. Are you familiar with that glory? Have you seen this glory before? You would if you only looked into the realm of the spirit; the glory lives in the realm you were born into as a Christian. It’s the same realm that Jesus passed into after His resurrection; it’s a real place and you live there now. It’s a realm of glory and through meditation on the Word, you’re catapulted to that realm; the Word of God delivers that glory to you, and brings you into the glory.
As you look into the mirror of God, which is the Word, you’re “transfigured” into the same image of God’s glory that you see in the Word. The more you look, the more you’re changed. How do you look into the Word? It’s not by scrolling through your Bible as you would a social media page; it’s through intense study, pondering, and meditation. Through meditation, the Word takes root in your spirit, and becomes one with your spirit; it creates a picture in your mind as you listen to or read it; it forms in your mind the image of God’s glory and you ought to hold that picture.
Thus, it matters what you see when you “look” into the mirror of God. For example, the Word says you’re the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; let that be what you see. See yourself as the justified one, the one who’s been declared “Not guilty!” and keep talking that way, regardless of circumstances. The Word in your mouth will grow mightily and prevail over adversities. That’s how to operate the glory of the Word.
As you meditate on the Word and speak it forth, you transcend to the realm of glory, where you view life from the mountain top, seeing only possibilities. Remember, you’re triumphant in Christ Jesus; you’ve already overcome all things; the whole world is yours. Stay your mind on these realities from God’s Word. See yourself in health, wealth and prosperity. Hallelujah!
? Go Deeper
Joshua 1:8; Hebrews 4:12; James 1:23-25
Dear Father, I thank you for the glory in your Word, which is evident in my life. I’m making progress in life, and winning every day. I’ve got the mindset of a champion, and the wisdom of God floods my heart and is evident in my excellent words and actions today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
? Daily Bible Reading
John 1:19-51, 2 Samuel 18-19
1 Corinthians 3:10-23, Psalm 149-150
Meditate on 1 Corinthians 6:11, Ephesians 1:3-6, Galatians 3:29 and Revelation 1:6.
#halingschool #wehavemoved #alignment #completeness #wordfest3 #yourloveworld #affirmationtrain #hspc #themonthoftruth #theyearofpreparation #talkingsession #thankyoupastorchris #8daysofmeditation #rhemafortoday #globaldayofprayer #8dom
Updated her profile photo
Happy birthday Bro peter and bro Paul. Thank you for all you do in ministry. Thank you for making the work easier. Bless you. We love you.