#TALKINGSESSION 28TH SEPTEMBER. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD. Thanks be unto God who has blessed me with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ! I have a life of glory and success, and I win every day. My spiritual eyes are enlightened to visualize and apprehend the great riches of God’s glorious inheritance in me. What an awesome blessing it is to know that the Father has brought me into an inseparable union with Himself. I am excited about my new life in Christ. I am of the same stock with Jesus, and a partaker of His very life; a member of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones. Hallelujah! I’ve passed from death to life; from sin to righteousness; from sickness to health; from poverty to wealth. I have the life and nature of God in me; I’ve put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness, and true holiness. Thank You for showing me how to exercise and energize my spirit through speaking in tongues. My spirit is activated to receive Your guidance today; and I am making tremendous progress in my life, and the work of the ministry, from glory to glory. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death, and the law of sin; I live and walk by the law of life, because I dwell in the realm of life. There’s no darkness or death in my path. Life is at work in every fibre of my being, in Jesus’ Name. Amen. SPEAK IN OTHER TONGUES NOW o Keep saying it, publish it everywhere; noise it abroad! In Christ, we’ve got something to shout about. Let’s flood the airwaves, internet, and print media with the reality of Christ. Speak in other tongues now. ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. #istandwithpastorchris #rhemafortoday #yourloveworldspecials #healingstreams #prayingnow #iclc2020 #affirmationtrain #atmophereofmiracles #healingschool #reign #themonthofvisualization #alignment #wordfest3 #stillpraying #preparation #FollowPastorChris #talkingsession #thankyoupastorchris #8dayofmeditation #kingschat #yokoos #kingschatrecommends #wehavemoved #wordfestextravaganza #ICLC #pcdltv #pcdl #healingstreamswithpastorchris



7th done

Nkosiphendule Tshetsha


Amen Amen Amen. Blessed be God. Glooorrryyy. Praise God. Hallelujah!



6th done



@dawutaceb1 Hello Highly Esteemed. I trust you are doing splendidly and enjoying the season. We send you our best wishes. I send you and your esteemed colleagues my warm wishes.

Martha Ayongagwe Abah


Glory .Life is at work in every fiber of my being.Amen

Rose Efuk


Amen, He that is in me teaches me all truth in Christ Jesus, I am one with Him!



In Jesus name Amen ?

Pheonie Cunningham


My Spirit is activated to receive your guidance today; and I making tremendous progress in my life, and the work of the ministry, from glory to glory. Amen 5th done ?

Updated her profile photo

Happy Birthday to our Highly Esteemed Zonal Director. Today we join the host of Haven and saints to celebrate God’s icon and son of consolation. #celebratingdbu928 #thnflourishing #thnasabasubzone #thehavenzonbe1 #thehavennation

*RHAPSODY OF REALITIES* *FOR EARLY READERS* ???????????? TUESDAY 28 *PRAY ALWAYS* *Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart Luke 18:1* ??o?..?..?o? Pastor Chris Says ???????? Habits are formed over a period of time. For example, it’s a habit to brush your teeth every morning before going to school. In the same way, you should make a habit of praying. The Lord Jesus said, *”…men always ought to pray…” (Luke 18:1)*. In other words, make it a habit to pray often. Prayer is fellowship with God, where you’ re talking to and with Him. It’s during such times that God guides you through His Word. Every day at noon, we pray together on “pastorchrislive’. Ask your parents how you can be a part of it. ? *Scripture Reading* ???????? *Jude 1:20* But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, *Let’s Pray* :..?o???o?.. *Dear Father, thank you for the opportunity to pray and create lasting changes in and around me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.*

It is written. We Won. https://youtu.be/wegtdmbeuh0

?IMPACT REPORT – OUR SEPTEMBER CELL OUTREACHES!!! ?#PicturesSpeak Outreach held by the ‘Spirit in Motion Cell’ of CE Central Church. #SeptemberCellOutreach #Septemberoutreachweek #outreachweek #movieoutreach #Amillionoutreaches #lookandlive #thatsameSpirit #everydayanoutreach #LUGA #monthofVisualization #cellministry #LoveWorldCellMinistry #CalMC #TeamCalabarRocks

HAPPY GLORIOUS BIRTHDAY TO THE HIGHLY ESTEEMED DEACON SIR, AND MY BOSS OF ALL TIMES.? ??? #celebratingdbu928 #thncentralchurch #beninzone1subzone #thehavenzoneb1 #thehavennation #cebeninzone1 I love and appreciate you dearly sir.

?PROGRAM ALERT? : HEALING STREAMS LIVE HEALING SERVICES WITH PASTOR CHRIS (OCTOBER EDITION)- 31 DAYS TO GO! https://healingstreams.tv/zone/PH3 Joy to the world! Healing Streams Live Healing Services is here again! Coming to you in October Friday 29th – Sunday 31st at 6pm (GMT+1) daily. The services are geared to minister healing to the sick people around the world, and many others who desire a transformation in their lives, regardless of their location. Through this program, the sick, oppressed, and afflicted will be healed and made free in the name of Jesus and countless miracles will take place. HOW TO PARTICIPATE ? Register yourself and your invitees and confirm participation @ https://healingstreams.tv/zone/PH3 ? Participate in daily prayer chain for the program. ? Download the Spread Faith Magazine @ http://www.enterthehealingschool.org/imagazine/PH3 and share with all your contacts and invitees. ? Set up viewing centers for the program @ www.healingstreams.tv/virtual Get ready! Register today! #healingtothenations #livehealingserviceswithpastorchris #healingstreams #healingstreamstv #cephzone3

Updated his profile photo

everything good

We’re ready to depopulate the kingdom of darkness. Glorrrrrrrrry!