#TALKINGSESSION 23RD MAY KINDLY SAY THESE OUT LOUD Dear Father, I thank you for the opportunity to be inspired and instructed by your Word. Thank you for the privilege given to me to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ, and minister life to those in my world, through the Gospel. For this purpose was I born, and for this reason, I came. Thank you for your grace and power at work in me as I reach out to the unsaved with the Gospel, delivering them from darkness into light, and from the power of darkness unto God. Thank you for the power of the Spirit and the life in your Word released as many hear the Gospel today, bringing about a complete transformation in their lives. My words are not ordinary! Your Spirit infuses my words with power; therefore, I speak life always. My words bless and transform destinies, bearing your love, wisdom, power, and righteousness. Hallelujah! Necessity is laid upon me to preach the Gospel; it’s all that I live for! I stand strong in faith, unshakable, and unmovable because Christ is the solid rock on which I stand. My faith is hinged on God’s infallible Word, and I live a life of victory, excellence, dominion, and power. I reign, and excel every day. The God-kind of faith is stirred in my spirit, even now! I live in, and by, the Word, prevailing over circumstances and winning always. Nothing is impossible to me, because my faith is the victory that overcomes the world. Hallelujah! o Keep saying it, publish it everywhere; noise it abroad! In Christ, we’ve got something to shout about. Let’s flood the airwaves, internet, and print media with the reality of Christ. Speak in other tongues now. ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. #healingstreamswithpastorchris #8DOM #themonthofillumination #talkingsession #affirmationtrain #thankyoupastorchris #strengthened #prayingnow #stillpraying #theyearofpreparation #rhemafortoday #8daysofmeditation #prayathon2021 #wordfest2021 #worddrive #wordfest3

Deaconess Stacey Igbeta


Thank You for Your grace and power at work in me as I reach out to the unsaved with the Gospel, delivering them from darkness into light, and from the power of darkness unto God. 2nd

eunice odeke


Hallelujah.am blessed to read and affirm this morning.irecive all the blessings it carries



2nd done

jane nganga


Amen and Amen. Blessed be God. Thank you pastor sir.

Aimee Eloi


Morning Pastor Obi, 1st done

Deaconess Stacey Igbeta


Dear Father, I thank You for the opportunity to be inspired and instructed by Your Word. 1st

Musu McEwan


(Maliyah) 1st done Glory be to God for ever more! Hallelujah!

Pastor Olu


I live a life of victory. Glory to God.



1st done

TODAY’S ONE YEAR BIBLE READING SCRIPTURES!! Study to show yourself approved unto God. Take out time to read and study the scriptures for today, you will be enlightened, be blessed and proud of yourself that you studied the bible in one year. #STUDYMYBIBLBEINONEYEAR #BIBLEPARTNERSHIP #UKZONE2MEDIA #UKZONE2 #OURYEAROFPREPARATION Kindly follow our superuser page @ukzone2 for ministry updates

HEALTH CONFESSIONS 23RD MAY 2021 I live in Christ; therefore, I cannot be affected by the rules and corrupting influences of this earthly realm. I am from above and I live above all things in this world and its failing systems. I walk in righteousness and dominion, and I am conscious of the provisions of my divine life in Christ. This life is working in every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My entire being is vitalized by this life, invigorating me through and through, in the Name of Jesus. Amen. Visit: https://enterthehealingschool.org/imagazine/UKZ2 to download the Healing School Magazine May Edition. Let us Spread Faith with the healing to the Nations magazine to those in our world by sending them the above link. Thank you and God bless you…. #dhconfessions #healingstreams #healingtothenations #ukzone2 #ouryearofpreparation Kindly follow our superuser page @ukzone2 for ministry updates

HEALTH CONFESSIONS 23RD MAY 2021 I live in Christ; therefore, I cannot be affected by the rules and corrupting influences of this earthly realm. I am from above and I live above all things in this world and its failing systems. I walk in righteousness and dominion, and I am conscious of the provisions of my divine life in Christ. This life is working in every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My entire being is vitalized by this life, invigorating me through and through, in the Name of Jesus. Amen. Visit: https://enterthehealingschool.org/imagazine/UKZ2 to download the Healing School Magazine May Edition. Let us Spread Faith with the healing to the Nations magazine to those in our world by sending them the above link. Thank you and God bless you…. #dhconfessions #healingstreams #healingtothenations #ukzone2 #ouryearofpreparation Kindly follow our superuser page @ukzone2 for ministry updates

GLOBAL MINISTERS’ CLASSROOM WITH PASTOR CHRIS 1. THE SPIRITUALITY OF LIFE AND MINISTRY 1 Thessalonians 5:23 THE SPIRITUALITY OF LIFE. Romans 2:29 The outward man – the body and its senses The inward man – the spirit and its soul When you’re born again your human spirit is born into an environment. 1 Corinthians 12:13. Colossians 2:6. When you’re born again, the spirit world is your new environment. The Difference between TRUTH & FACTS Truth is spiritual. Facts are worldly Fact is a piece of information about circumstances that exists or events that are or have occurred. Truth is conformity to reality. How truthful a statement is is how close it is to reality. That is the measure of truthfulness. Question then is, WHAT IS REALITY? John 14:6 John 17:17 God’s word is truth. Anything can be true. Its truthfulness is as far as it can conform to the word or God. Truth supercedes facts. Truth is spiritual, fact is carnal, earthly and worldly. The word of God is the true light. You wanna know the quality of your life? Use the word of God. Hebrews 4:12-13 (ESV) John 1:1 You cannot walk with God working by facts. You gotta walk with God working with truth. As a minister of the gospel, what you’re bearing is spiritual, what you’re carrying is spiritual. Romans 8:9 In the spirit realm it is truth that matters. Facts don’t mean anything in the spirit realm. Ordinary men walk by facts. Don’t live by facts. Live by truth. Truth is conformity to reality and reality is the word of God. And truth is measured by how far whatever is being measured come close to reality. John 15:26 – the holy spirit is called the spirit of truth. John 16:7-13 Of you wanna know truth the holy ghost shall guide you into all truth. HOW DOES GOD WANT US TO THINK??? Romans 8:6 – 13 1 Corinthians 2:12-13. Q&A: True science never really contradict the word of God. Whenever there is a contradiction, it is fraud. The major reason a lot of people are going to go to hell is cos of deception. The two major weapons of Satan are fear and deception. The word of God is the wisdom of God. So Jesus is the wisdom of God. The spoken word – was delivered to the prophets The written word – The living word – is Jesus THE SPIRITUALITY OF MINISTRY. The ministry which we are a part of is a spiritual ministry and our sacrifices are spiritual. 1 Peter 2:5 – we are called to offer sacrifice. The spiritual realm is the real realm of life. In fact it is more tangible than the physical. The spiritual preexisted the physical. God’s and heaven’s interpretation of our sacrifices is spiritual. 2 Timothy 3:16. Righteousness has to be understood in a bigger picture. It’s not just a behaviour, it’s a life. Hosea 14:2. Psalm 141:2 Hebrews 13:15-16 Romans 12:1. Phillipians 4:18. In the new earth, in the holy city there gonna be no temple, but in heaven there is a temple. Ref: Hebrews 8:2-6 Hebrews 9:23-24 Revelation 11:19 Revelation 15:8 Revelation 5:8. God creates by calling things. When you pray, especially a prayer of worship, they come to God as incense. Revelation 8:3 We must see life and understand our environment, and everything spiritually, and we can only do so by the insights given to us by the holy spirit through the word. John 8:37. John 8:51-59 Luke 22:52-53 ”…this is your hour and the power of darkness”. As a minister of the gospel, you’ve got to know truth, you’ve got to walk and live in truth. 2 John 1:1-4 No matter what happens in life, you’ve got to know God’s truth. When you know truth, you’ve got to superimpose truth over whatever fact there is. When you walk in truth you follow instructions and principles, when you join those two together you get one thing called faith. When we walk in truth we follow instructions and principles. 1 Corinthians 10:1-5 It’s not about whether that thing worked. It doesn’t matter if it was right in the eyes of men. But Is the Lord pleased? 1 Corinthians 10:11 Romans 15:4 Practice thinking spiritually Practice spiritual understanding Practise walking in the spirit Romans 12:2

Updated his profile photo

#prayingnow #pclprayathon2021 #prayathon2021 #iampriestinoffice #WEVZ1 #CENetherlandsAlmere

If God only used perfect people, nothing would get done. God will use anybody if you’re available. Well, are you available?

???? Don’t Live for Yourself! You Belong to Jesus! ”For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (1 Corinthians 6:20) Your body and your spirit belong to God! You are not your own person anymore! Therefore, align your mind, will, emotions, and all your ambitions for Christ. You can’t afford to live selfishly! Chose to live for Jesus! Thank you, Pastor, for a wonderful time in God’s Word. We love you so dearly, sir. #CENorthYork #CENorthYorkGroup

Rhapsodie der Realitaten [Pastor Chris, Victorious By The Word, culled from: RHAPSODY OF REALITIES 5/23 (2021), pg.56-57]

Rhapsodie der Realitaten [Pastor Chris, Victorious By The Word, culled from: RHAPSODY OF REALITIES 5/23 (2021), pg.56-57]