#TALKINGSESSION 19TH JUNE. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for all that You’ve prepared for me today. My spiritual antenna is raised to hear and receive Your instructions, guidance, and wisdom that’ll propel me in the path of greatness that You’ve ordained for me. I thank You, blessed Father, for the power of Your Word, and its ability to produce results in my life. My feet is set upon the Rock to stay; that Rock holds me firm and fortified against the pressures and adversities of life. I dwell in the light wherein there’s no darkness or pain, but victory, dominion, and glory forever. My faith is increased and strengthened to rule over circumstances, and overcome any challenge that may come my way today. I live above the economy and economics of this world. I am immune to the hardships, corruption, and decadence that ravage the lives of men. I live in the Word, and therefore, in victory and triumph always. I live and walk in health, prosperity, and in all the benefits of salvation in Christ. The Name of Jesus is named upon me, and I live triumphantly, from glory to glory, heaping success upon success. I go forth today, in victory and dominion over satan, and his cohorts of darkness, and the circumstances of life. I experience the power and supernatural grace of God today, as I make manifest the savour of the knowledge of Christ, in every place, in Jesus’ Name. Amen. o Keep saying it, publish it everywhere; noise it abroad! In Christ, we’ve got something to shout about. Let’s flood the airwaves, internet and print media with the reality of Christ. Speak in other tongues now. ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. #istandwithpastorchris #rhemafortoday #yourloveworldspecials #alignment #healingstreams #prayingnow #pcdl #affirmationtrain #atmophereofmiracles #themonthofillumination #healingschool #wordfest3 #stillpraying #preparation #FollowPastorChris #talkingsession #thankyoupastorchris #8dayofmeditation #kingschatrecommends #truth #reign #iclc #iclc2021 #grace

Jennie Greatness


2nd, 3rd and 4th done…I affirm that I go forth today, in victory and dominion over satan and his cohorts of darkness and the circumstances of life. Hallelujah # prayer# Preparation

Anne Rose


The name of Jesus is named upon me!

Jennie Greatness


1st done .. I affirm that I experience the power of God today, as I make manifest the savour of the knowledge of Christ, on every place, in Jesus name amen. Hallelujah # prayer # Preparation



Amen. hallelujah ???

Jones Ojukwu


Hallelujah! Dear Lord Jesus, thank You so very much for Pastor Chris! Thank You so very much Lord!

#WORDALIVE JUNE 19TH #Speakintonguesnow #Dailyconfession #keepsayingit #Thewordwork #Raphsodyofrealities #Affirmationtrain #myyearofpreparation #monthofprayer #abujazone#ceaz #loveyoupastorchris Our Yokoos @WordAlive Facebook: WordAlive

http://bit.ly/GlobalDOP The Global Day of Prayer with Pastor Chris will be transmitted in several Language Translations, reaching many in their indigenous languages. Be a part of giving many the awesome opportunity to pray along and make tremendous changes through your SPONSORSHIP!? https://bit.ly/GS-LAN_TRANSLATIONS SHOWING live from Friday 25th June through to 26th June 2021 from 6 pm GMT+1/1 pm EST. I_TESTIFY!!! I want to use this opportunity to thank Pastor Chris for his teaching and answering the call of God. I got healed in one of the broadcasts of the second week. I had a pain in my knee for about a week. During the Global Day of Prayer, Pastor mentioned my case and prayed for me. Since then, the pain has gone. Glory to God! Be a proud SPONSOR of the live ‘Language Translations’ of the Global Day of Fasting and Prayer with Pastor Chris TODAY! Click link to give ? http://bit.ly/GDOP_LANGUAGE_SPONSOR Make a soul count for you TODAY! Send this link ? bit.ly/Save-A-Life-Today to a friend or loved one out there needing Salvation! JOIN our Yookos Community ? https://bit.ly/CEOP-Yookos #GlobalDayofPrayer #RhapsodyofRealities #KeepSayingIt #DailyConfession #SaveALife #WinASoul #ChristEmbassyOnline #PastorChris #June2021 #Saturday

Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo Saturday, June 19 ?Pastor Chris THE RIGHT MENTAL PICTURES (How Do You Think And Use Your Mind?) ? TO THE BIBLE Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” ? LET’S TALK The focus of Romans 12:2 is the subject of thoughts — the use of your mind. Your mind is like a garden, and your thoughts are like seeds that you plant in them. The major thing to note about the mind is that it is fertile. It will certainly produce anything that’s sown into it, which places on you the responsibility of choosing what you sow in it. Your mind is an instrument given to you by God to improve your life from glory to glory. You have to see first in your mind the things you desire for your life, and create them. Thoughts are pictures of the mind that have power and create realities. The quickest way to affect your thoughts is through mental pictures. Every man is the character of his thoughts. Your mind can either make you poor or wealthy; it can put you in a place of glory or dishonour. The Bible tells us about Lazarus, a righteous man who was a beggar (Luke 16:20-21). When he died, he was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom, but he lived and died a beggar, not because that was his destiny, but because that was his mindset. If Lazarus had projected himself in faith, envisioning his rich heritage as the seed of Abraham, he wouldn’t have remained poor. Romans 12:3 says God has given to every one the measure of faith, so it’s about what you do with your faith. Use your mind to focus and project yourself to your next greater level. How do you think? What can you see? What can you see yourself doing? Where can you see yourself going? Use your mind correctly to picture your glorious and victorious life in Christ. Don’t be left out, Take your Rhapsody of Realities Experience to a whole new Level!? Download the New ROR Mobile App 3.0 https://bit.ly/30XG30w ? Go Deeper Luke 6:45; Philippians 4:8 REGISTER TODAY FOR THE HEALING STREAMS LIVE SERVICES WITH PASTOR CHRIS VIA: http://bit.ly/hstvlive2 ? Speak My mind is anointed to think right, being the mind of Christ. I think excellent thoughts, and I only see pictures of excellence, success, victory, and abundance. I focus my mind on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy. Hallelujah! BECOME A RHAPSODY INFLUENCER: https://bit.ly/2WPCkCO ? Daily Bible Reading ONE YEAR ????????? Acts 8:9-40, 2 Chronicles 33-34 TWO YEAR ????????? 2 Corinthians 6:1-10, Isaiah 5-6 ? Act Sow the right thought seeds by spending time in God’s Word today. ? My Notes ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Divine Health Confessions - 19th June 2021 Visit ? www.enterthehealingschool.org to listen to the daily divine health confession podcast. Download your June Healing to the Nations Magazine @ www.enterthehealingschool.org/imagazine/ABJZ Thank you and God bless you. #dhconfessions #healingstreams #healingtothenations #abujazone

My Grace daughter, my sweet baby who came for such a time like this. Keep being a blessing to us and bringing joy to millions around the world, we are glad you came. I love you kuku #GoldaGrace #CEKumba #ewcavz4 #iclc2021 #iclc #iclcwithpastorchris #Cameroon

PRAYER GUIDE FOR HEALING STREAMS LIVE HEALING SERVICES – SATURDAY JUNE 19 PRAY FOR THE SICK & HURTING AROUND THE WORLD Matthew 15:30 “And great multitudes came unto him, having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others, and cast them down at Jesus’ feet; and he healed them:” ? Pray for all those who would participate in the program, sick in their bodies, and in need of a miracle. Declare that the healing power of God will touch each one of them in a supernatural way and that the power of the Spirit will revitalize their bodies. James 5:15 says, “And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.” ? We’ll intercede fervently in tongues of the Spirit, and also pray for the sick and hurting all around the world. Declare that through this program, great grace will be directed towards them for healing, restoration, and wellness; that their faith in the Lord and His provisions of divine health in Christ be strengthened. HOW TO PARTICIPATE ? Register and confirm participation @ http://healingstreams.tv/zone/NNC1 ? Prayerfully prepare for the program by picking any 15mins prayer slot @ http://healingstreams.tv/zone/NNC1 ? Set up viewing centers for the program @ http://healingstreams.tv/zone/NNC1 ? Give towards the Live Healing Services. Dont miss this opportunity! God bless you. #healingstreams #healingstreamstv #healingtothenations #livehealingserviceswithpastorchris #CEJOS #CEGOMBE #CEMINNA #NCZ1

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Happy Birthday to a great woman of God! #ceyola #pga1906