#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 15TH APRIL. I affirm that the Word of God has brought me wisdom and understanding, causing me to walk in the light of God’s truth that’s been implanted in my spirit today. The Spirit of God is ordering my steps and directing the affairs of my life to synchronize with the Father’s perfect will and destiny for me. I am in God’s place for my life and the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places. I’ve been brought into a wealthy place by the Spirit of God; therefore, I am not seeking help, I am mightily helped of the Lord. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. My life is one of endless possibilities, nothing is difficult for me, and no negative or challenging circumstances and situations are impossible for me to change. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, a possessor of all things! Angels are charged to minister on my behalf! I recognize their presence with me today and commission them to go forth and cause the blessings and benefits of salvation that the Father has ordained for me to experience today to reach me by free course, without hindrance. Hallelujah. I function from the position of advantage because the God that does the unimaginable, the unthinkable, and the unexpected have shone in my heart; and as He is, so am I in this world. Blessed be God. SPEAK IN OTHER TONGUES NOW o Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. You Can Now Reach Us On info@affirmation-train.org www.affirmation-train.org God Bless You. #themonthoftruth #wehavemoved #rhemafortoday #theyearofpreparation #wordfest3 #excellence #affirmationtrain #talkingsession #thankyoupastorchris #prayathon2021 #8daysofmeditation #yourloveworld #healingstreams #8DOM #europeforjesus #hspc #stillpraying


Deaconess Stacey Igbeta


I’ve been brought into a wealthy place by the Spirit of God; therefore, I am not seeking help, I am mightily helped of the Lord. 6th

Deaconess Stacey Igbeta


The Spirit of God is ordering my steps and directing the affairs of my life to synchronize with the Father’s perfect will and destiny for me. 5th



5th done

Jennie Greatness


1st, 2nd , 3rd and 4th done…I affirm that I function from the position of advantage because the God that does the unimaginable, the unthinkable and the unexpected have shone in my heart; and as he is , so I am in this world ?. Blessed be God. Hallelujah # truth # Preparation



The Spirit of God is ordering my steps and directing the affairs of my life to synchronize with the Father’s perfect will and destiny for me. 3rd Done ?

Sister Jennifer


I function from the position of advantage because the God that does the unimaginable, the unthinkable, and the unexpected have shone in my heart; ?Glory ???thank you Pastor ?

Day 5 Study on Our Special 21 Day Expose’ on Truth presents to you another opportunity to be reminded of God’s Truth concerning you through Your LoveWorld Specials Season 2 Phase 2 (Day 1) airing now on www.pcdl.tv Take Part in today’s study and be inspired for the best ? God wants for you ? ? ? ? #ExposeonTruth #HappeninginApril #A21DayStudy #watchonpcdltv

Celebrating Our Dear Bro George Ayaoge Of The Haven Zone A5. Happy Birthday!! We love and appreciate you. From all of us in The Haven Nation. #TheHavenZoneA5 #TheHavenNation

Updated his profile photo

Divine Health Confessions: 15th April 2021!!! Important! Click ? enterthehealingschool.org/imagazine/CELZ5 to Spread Faith with The Healing School (April) Magazine and get others to do so too. Click ? https://bit.ly/Z5RORapp to download and share the ROR 3.0 app with all contacts. God bless you! #HealingtotheNations #MonthofTruth #2021YearofPreparation #CELZ5

Celebrating Our Dear Gov Bolaji Adekoya Of The Haven Zone A1. Happy Birthday!! We love and appreciate you. From all of us in The Haven Nation. #TheHavenZoneA1 #TheHavenNation

?EXPOSE ON Truth Day 5? ????Today’s message “Your Loveworld specials season 2 phase 2 DAY 1″ ? Kindly use this link to here??? https://pastorchrisdigitallibrary.org/exposeontruth/ceukz4 to watch & listen Pastor Chris’s message of the day: God bless you Remember is 21 day daily videos @no cost on PCDL.TV. #Exposeontruth #A21daystudy #WatchOnPcdlTv #Thurrockconnect #CEBarking #UKR2Z4

?EXPOSE ON Truth Day 5? ????Today’s message “Your Loveworld specials season 2 phase 2 DAY 1″ ? Kindly use this link to here??? https://pastorchrisdigitallibrary.org/exposeontruth/ceukz4 to watch & listen Pastor Chris’s message of the day: God bless you Remember is 21 day daily videos @no cost on PCDL.TV. #Exposeontruth #A21daystudy #WatchOnPcdlTv #Thurrockconnect #CEBarking #UKR2Z4

Still celebrating God’s gift to us…. Happy Birthday Sir #PTA1404 #LIFEISEASY #UKZONE2 #LMAMUKZONE2

Happy Wedding Anniversary To Our Dear Pst Flavour And Gov Star Nwachukwu Of The Haven Zone E2. Congratulations!! We love and appreciate you. From all of us in The Haven Nation. #TheHavenZoneE2 #TheHavenNation

Happy birthday Esteemed bro. Solomon. You are indeed a man with a golden heart. Thanks for all your labour of love in the kingdom. I join the host of heaven to celebrate you today.