#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 12TH MAY. I affirm that I am the light of the world, a city set on a hill to bring illumination to my world. The glory and righteousness of Christ are manifested in and through me; I walk in prosperity and blessings, soundness of mind and body. I dwell in the Kingdom of God’s love-Son, wherein is no darkness at all; I’m reigning in union with the Lord, enjoying my blessed life in Christ. Hallelujah! Life is not mysterious unto me; for I’ve received abundance of grace, and of the gift of righteousness. I produce excellent results by God’s grace that is super-abundant on my life, causing everything I do to prosper. I am alive to God, to His wisdom, righteousness, love, and grace; His beauty, glory, and goodness are released through me in increasing measure today. I live and walk in righteousness; Satan has nothing in me, because in Christ Jesus my Lord, I’ve been justified from all things from which I couldn’t be justified by the Law of Moses. Today and always, I walk conscious of the Father’s nature in me. Sin has no dominion over me. I walk in perfection and excellence, producing works and fruits of righteousness. The Word of God has the mastery over my mind, and I have the victory over sin and its attendant consequences. I live triumphantly, walking in righteousness and in the wisdom of Christ. Blessed be God! SPEAK IN OTHER TONGUES NOW o Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. You Can Now Reach Us On: o info@affirmation-train.org o www.affirmation-train.org God bless you. #prayingnow #wehavemoved #8DOM #talkingsession #8daysofmeditation #glorified #loveworld #affirmationtrain #themonthofillumination #wordfest2020 #preparation #thankyoupastorchris #theyearofpreparation #rhemafortoday #worddrive #yourloveworld #truth #hspc




7th done

Nimi Mac-Anabraba


We are enjoying the blessings of life Hallelujah



6th done



5th done



4th done

Deaconess Stacey Igbeta


The Word of God has the mastery over my mind, and I have the victory over sin and its attendant consequences. 6th

Jennie Greatness


1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th done….I affirm that the qord of God has the mastery over my mind, and I have the victory over sin and its attendant consequences. Hallelujah # illumination # Preparation

Prince Astrico


Amen. Glory to God. Thank you Pastor Sir.

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#Ropc2021 #Rhapsodyofrealities #iamarhapsodyinfluencer #CeAccraGhanaZone

“Meditate on the Word to help you form the right mindset because before you can talk right, you must first think right” – PASTOR CHRIS. Let’s win Souls for Christ TODAY! Send this link ? https://bit.ly/Save-A-Life-Today to a friend or loved one out there needing salvation! I-REPORT Esther from Uganda was inundated with the joy of the Holy Ghost when she gave her life to Christ after she came in contact with Christ Embassy Online via the Save A Life campaign. Read more. https://bit.ly/Save_ALife Through the Save A Life Campaigns, the gospel is bringing hope and restoring many lives. PARTNER with us TODAY! ? https://bit.ly/CEOP_SaveALife Remember, not only are you here for your salvation, but you are here also to help others receive salvation. Sponsor the Save-a-Life campaign today ? https://bit.ly/CEOP_SaveALife. Share your testimony with us! ? https://bit.ly/Testify-Prayer-Request YOUR LOVEWORLD SPECIALS Experience the glory of God’s presence at today’s episode of YOUR LOVEWORLD SPECIALS season 3, Phase 4, with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome DSc DD at 7:00 pm (GMT+1). Invite friends, family, co-workers and anyone in your world of influence. Get ALL connected from wherever they are by Sharing this LINK ? http://bit.ly/Your-Loveworld-with-PastorChris PRAISE REPORT Mikael Anders from Sweden testified of the power of God’s Word in his life when he started participating in the global services on Christ Embassy Online. Now he can put the Word of God to work, talking and speaking the Word to any circumstance. Hallelujah! Partner with us in spreading the gospel all over the internet and transform billions with the Word of God! ? https://bit.ly/CEOP_SponsorALanguage Tell us about the impact of the Word or send a prayer request today! ? https://bit.ly/Testify-Prayer-Request DOWNLOAD CeFlix mobile app to watch the program in different languages ??? https://bit.ly/download-ceflix-tv-android https://bit.ly/download-ceflix-tv-ios JOIN our Yookos Community ? https://bit.ly/CEOP-Yookos #ChurchOnline #OnlineService #Confessions #Prayer #Preaching #KeepSayingIt #DailyConfession #SaveALife #YourLoveWorld #YourLoveWorldSpecials #SoulWinning #ChristEmbassyOnline #PastorChris #May2021 #Wednesday

5 SIMPLE STEPS TO BECOMING A TRANSLATOR Join us today in reaching every tribe, people, and nation with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in a language they understand: Click on this link to open the sign-up form https://bit.ly/Impact-Your-Tribe ? Fill and submit the form. Check your email box for a message and click on the link to begin translating. Submit your first translation and receive a link in your inbox to join the exclusive Translators Network Group. Click on the link and join the exclusive Translators Network Group. Together, we are making a difference in every tribe, language, people, and nation with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ! Sponsor Language Translations: ??? http://bit.ly/SupportTranslations ??? #ImpactYourTribe #Language #NativeLanguage #PastorChris #PastorChrisOyakhilome #ChristEmbassy #Translations #Translator #OnlineMissions #ImpactAsia #ImpactAfrica #ImpactEurope #ImpactAustralia #ImpactNorthAmerica #ImpactSouthAmerica #ImpactTheWorld #Gospel #GoodNews #Jesus #God #Salvation #LoveWorld #ChristEmbassyOnlineMissions

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?IT’S DAY 4- WORDFEST 3 ??? Today’s Message “YOURLOVEWORLD SPECIAL SEASON 3 PHASE 4 ( DAY 2)” Kindly Log on now using this? link https://pastorchrisdigitallibrary.org/wordfest3/celagosz4 To create your Avatar : https://pastorchrisdigitallibrary.org/wordfest3/avatar.php #WordFest2021 #WordFest3 #Wordatwork #watchonpcdltv #CELZ4

#Ropc2021 #Rhapsodyofrealities #iamarhapsodyinfluencer #CeAccraGhanaZone

WORDFEST 3.0 Have you done your study? https://pastorchrisdigitallibrary.org/wordfest3/cencz1 #wordfest3 #wordfest3outreach #CEJOS #NCZ1

WORDFEST 3.0 Have you done your study? https://pastorchrisdigitallibrary.org/wordfest3/cencz1 #wordfest3 #wordfest3outreach #CEJOS #NCZ1

?PROCLAMATION TIME!!! DIVINE HEALTH CONFESSIONS? #SAYITOUTLOUD ?#12THMAY2021 #dhconfessions #healingtothenations #CESAZone1