#TALKINGSESSION 13TH APRIL. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for all that You’ve prepared for me today. My spiritual antenna is raised to hear and receive Your instructions, guidance, and wisdom that’ll propel me in the path of greatness that You’ve ordained for me. I thank You, blessed Father, for the power of Your Word, and its ability to produce results in my life. My feet is set upon the Rock to stay; that Rock holds me firm and fortified against the pressures and adversities of life. I dwell in the light wherein there’s no darkness or pain, but victory, dominion, and glory forever. My faith is increased and strengthened to rule over circumstances, and overcome any challenge that may come my way today. I live above the economy and economics of this world. I am immune to the hardships, corruption, and decadence that ravage the lives of men. I live in the Word, and therefore, in victory and triumph always. I live and walk in health, prosperity, and in all the benefits of salvation in Christ. The Name of Jesus is named upon me, and I live triumphantly, from glory to glory, heaping success upon success. I go forth today, in victory and dominion over satan, and his cohorts of darkness, and the circumstances of life. I experience the power and supernatural grace of God today, as I make manifest the savour of the knowledge of Christ, in every place, in Jesus’ Name. Amen. o Keep saying it, publish it everywhere; noise it abroad! In Christ, we’ve got something to shout about. Let’s flood the airwaves, internet and print media with the reality of Christ. Speak in other tongues now. ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. #themonthoftruth #wehavemoved #8DOM #rhemafortoday #talkingsession #yourloveworldspecials #affirmationtrain #wordfest2021 #8daysofmeditation #prayathon2021 #thankyoupastorchris #strengthened #preparation #wordfest3 #healingstreams #hspc


Anne Rose


My feet are set upon the Rock to stay!



3rd done



I live and walk in health, prosperity, and in all the benefits of salvation in Christ. 3rd Done ?

Deaconess Stacey Igbeta


I dwell in the light wherein there’s no darkness or pain, but victory, dominion, and glory forever. 3rd



2nd done

Jennie Greatness


1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th done….I affirm that I experience the power and supernatural grace of God today, as I make manifest the saviour of the knowledge of Christ, in every place, in Jesus name amen. Hallelujah # truth # Preparation

Updated his profile photo

#LoveworldMena Impact

Happy Preparation Birthday, I love you so much Mommy ???????????????? You have built a Legacy in me even for my next generation #april13 #celebratinggrace #weloveyoupastorsally

I was singing this song in my sleep and when I woke up for my devotion I continued with the same??,isn’t it wonderful that even in our sleep our Spirits are active and connected with the Spirit of God ??? Halleluyaaa!!????? The hymn has references to Psalm 92:5 ‘O Lord my God how great are thy works’ and Psalm 29 :3-4 ‘ The God of glory thunders over the mighty waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful. This is a hymn about kingship, majesty, praise and worthiness. Its history is rooted in a poem written by the Swedish Minister Carl Gustav Boberg in 1888. The poem was composed during a thunderstorm hence the references to the thunderous nature of God. It was discovered and translated by the English missionary Stuart Hine working in Ukraine in 1949. He adapted the poem and wrote original English words and in time a subsequent verse. The hymn was born and set to a beautiful Swedish melody.(Waltonparish.org.uk) Man was not created for any other purpose,but for the purpose of worshipping God,this was the only thing that God couldn’t do to himself. Isaiah 43:21 [21]This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise. Man was certainly created high and above all other creatures,in him was brain to reason,power to excute authority,and dominion to rule over . When you read the accounts of creation,you will realise that God took his time to create him because he was forming his own image,an image that will look like him to bring him praise! Genesis 1:27 [27]So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. With all the other creation,he just said a word,”let there be and there it was”.But not so with man,he took the dust of the soil by his hands and formed him! then by his mouth he breathed life into his nostrils!! Isn’t that wonderful ??!! brethrens we are special and unique! He took time to design us??……. he articulately designed every organ and put it at its rightful place..? Glory Hallelujah ?????!! That’s why the psalmist said; Psalms 139:14 [14]I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Amen!! Each one us ,God created us with uniqueness, whether you are white,brown,green,black , indigo etc,you are beautiful or handsome the way you are. Accept yourself and give Glory to God, don’t try to change your colour,you will look agly ??!!. Retain your natural beauty by appreciating who you are! if God wanted you different that’s how he would have made you! Stop stressing yourself for what is not noble???. Relax!! brother/Sister ???,you don’t need the change of skin colour,what you need is change of your brains to help you appreciate youself the way you are!!(I hope I didn’t sound hash????).I don’t mean that you don’t make your self look better,No,that’s not my point,I hope you will understand….?? You know some times it’s hand to know people, becoz during the day the skin colour is right,when you find them fresh from bed, they are dark??????.(excuse me???) Anyway,all what I want to say is that we were all created uniquely for the purpose of worshipping our Father,when you become a worshipper,then your life is sorted. God’s presence will always abide inside of you for he dwells in the midst of the praises of his people… Psalms 22:3 [3]But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. You will rediate the Glory of him who dwells in you. you will not need to bleach your skin! the Holy Ghost will bleach it with his Glory ??!! Hallelujah ??. Use your beautiful bodies for the purpose of God, worship him ,adore him, praise him for you are his temple. People go to the physical temples to worship him, you are a Spiritual temple where the Holy Spirit abides,that means you are a carrier of his presence, wherever you go,you take with you the presence of God. Israel carried him in the ark of the covenant ,(that’s why their enemies could steal it since it was “carriable”?, ) in the old testament, in the new testament we carry him in our bodies. Halleluyaaa ??????.( 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 [16]Surely you know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you! [17]So if anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and you yourselves are his temple .(Don’t allow the enemy to steal your body to go and use it for worldy purposes ?) GOD BLESS YOU ??? ?????.

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????1ST QUARTER VIRTUAL RHAPSODY AWARDS: HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO PASTOR T.T TEMISAN AND THE PASTORS & PARTNERS OF CE ABEOKUTA MINISTRY CENTER for exceeding overall total sponsorship of 2020 in the first quarter on 2021!!! ??????? IT’S THE GRAND UNVEILING OF THE NEXT LEVEL!! A special celebration of our uncommon victories and the efficacy of God’s Word in the first quarter of 2021. ????????? #RhapsodyAwards #RhapsodyVirtualAwards2021 #rhapsody #rhapsodyofrealities #ropc2021 www.rhapsodyofrealities.org

Congratulations To Our 4th Runnerup; Zone E7 For Their Attendance In The Haven Daily Global Prayers today. #TheHavenNation

God’s Truth is His Word ? ? ? and Has Integrity. Already in Day 3 Study titled The Integrity Of the Word Vol 4 Part 1 by Pastor Chris airing now on www.pcdl.tv for the Ongoing Expose’ on Truth #ExposeonTruth #HappeninginApril #A21DayStudy #watchonpcdltv

Congratulations To Our 3rd Runnerup; Zone E4 For Their Attendance In The Haven Daily Global Prayers today. #TheHavenNation

Ooooooh Glooory hallelujah the set time for me is coming i am so ready like bever before this is my time ang my season i will not miss it for anything hallelujah #Word@work #Cerustenburg #SAZONE 1