But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:18.
In the book of Exodus, we read of how Moses saw the glory of God and he became a changed man. By being in the presence of God, listening to His Word, his visage began to radiate the glory of God, to the extent that the children of Israel could not look at the face of Moses (Exodus 34:29-35).
Today, you also can experience such glorious transformation as you contemplate or look at the glory of God in the mirror of God, which is the Word of God. There’s a transformation that takes place in your life as you meditate on the Word of God; you’re transfigured, and you become what you see in the Word. The principle is “as you look, you are changed!”
It reminds me of the wonderful testimony featured sometime ago in our Atmosphere For Miracle TV programme of a certain man who was given up to die. He was stabbed terribly and the doctors had said he couldn’t live because so much had gone wrong in his body, and he had become an invalid. His wife was taking care of him until the doctors suggested that she should place him in an institution and wait for him to die. But the lady had been watching Atmosphere For Miracles. So every day, she carried her husband and placed him in front of the TV, and all the man could do was look! He couldn’t talk, think, move or recognize anything; not even his own house.
Then after several months, he began to recognize things around him; he saw the miracles on TV and he began to believe. Gradually, his reasoning returned, and also, strength, returned to his body, until he regained full consciousness, became hale and hearty, and returned to work. What happened to him was that as he looked, he was changed! As he beheld the glory of God and the power of God demonstrated in the lives of others, that same power from the Spirit and the Word of God produced healing and health in his body.
That’s what the Bible says happens as you keep looking at the glory of God – in the Word of God; hope, faith and strength comes into your spirit and you become the glory that you see. Hallelujah!
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