WELCOME TO AUGUST 2021 – OUR MONTH OF PRAISE!! Exodus 25:8, Psalm 22:3, 1 Peter 2:5, Hebrews 13:15 KJV. There was a purpose for the tabernacle, it was neither designed for preaching nor giving information, it was primarily a place for offering Sacrifices. In the New Testament, God called us to offer Sacrifices of Praise. What the Lord wants is for us to offer Spiritual Sacrifices. Everything should be done for the honour of Jesus Christ, to the glory of His name. Offer Spiritual Sacrifices in the house of God. Serve the Lord with gladness. Every gift He has given us is to be used in the house of God. This month, give attention to praising the Lord in songs and in music. Have a blissful month of August. #GlobalPrayerandFasting #global #GlobalCommunionService #MonthofPraise #2021YearofPreparation #istandwithpastorchris #rhemafortoday #yourloveworldspecials #alignment #healingstreams #prayingnow #pcdl #affirmationtrain #atmophereofmiracles #healingschool #wordfest3 #stillpraying #preparation #FollowPastorChris #talkingsession #thankyoupastorchris #8dayofmeditation #truth #reign #iclc #iclc2021 #wehavemoved #graced #healingstreamswithpastorchris #kingschatrecommends
Hallelujah????????????? I praise YOU now and forever LORD!!! Blessed be your name!
Amen Amen Amen. Thank You Father for the Month of Praise in Jesus’Name. Glooorrryyy
Reachout Belguim with our Messenger Angel #CEAntwerp #Belguim
We are the light of the world What a night! #celz1rocks #ikoroduisbig #nigeria
Photo Highlights Global Day of Prayer & Fasting Service #ceagbor #landofgrace #nsez2