#RHEMAFORTODAY 19TH JULY. Say these with me, ‘My hands are filled with the blessings of the Lord. Anyone I touch surely must be blessed; anything I do will be magnified. I am in God’s place for my life and the Spirit of God has granted me understanding and insight into His will, purpose, and plans as I study the Word. My heart is flooded with wisdom and spiritual understanding; I live a life of peace and unlimited prosperity in Christ Jesus. The peace of God that transcends human understanding fills my heart today, and I prosper exceedingly in all things. I am not of this world; I am from the government of heaven. I am seated with Christ in the place of authority, over and above every government, authority, power, lordship and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. I am over and above all circumstances of life. I am greatly favoured! God’s favour surrounds me like a shield. It opens doors for me, bringing me into my place of greatness. I walk with confidence today and always, knowing that with favour working in me, nothing is too good for me! I am a victor in this life. All things are possible unto me because the ability of God is at work in me. I refuse to recognize limitations, or hindrances to my journey of success, victory, and prosperity. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Christ is my wisdom therefore I am wise, I have the wisdom to do whatever I need to do. I function today at my best potentials because the wisdom of God works in me, talking through me, leading me, guiding me and causing me to be effective and productive in everything I lay my hands to do. Glory to God. Hallelujah! o Nothing happens in your life except that which you’ve voiced with your mouth. Your prosperity, health, success, victory, progress, and promotion in life are the result of what you say with your mouth. ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. #istandwithpastorchris #rhemafortoday #yourloveworldspecials #alignment #healingstreams #prayingnow #pcdl #affirmationtrain #atmophereofmiracles #themonthofjoy #healingschool #wordfest3 #stillpraying #preparation #FollowPastorChris #talkingsession #thankyoupastorchris #8dayofmeditation #kingschatrecommends #truth #reign #iclc #iclc2021 #wehavemoved #graced #healingstreamswithpastorchris #global
#global All things are possible unto me because the ability of God is at work in me.
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I function today at my best potentials because the wisdom of God works in me, talking through me, guiding me and causing me to be effective and productive in everything I lay my hands to do. Glory to God. Hallelujah!
#HealingStreams #LivingSprings #LWPM
I’m independent of circumstances Glorrryyyyyy ????? #JayneMA #CELAA #CEACCRAGHANAZONE
I’m independent of circumstances Glorrryyyyyy ????? #JayneMA #CELAA #CEACCRAGHANAZONE
DIVINE HEALTH REALITIES-JULY 19 2021 #Joy #Preparation https://youtu.be/MwP_6csb9V4
Celebrating a record breaker #july29 #valiantmarshal #cmdph29 #manofinsightandgrace #blwukzoneb
I Recover All Glorrryyyyyy ????? #JayneMA #CELAA #CEACCRAGHANAZONE