I affirm that the Lord is my light and my salvation. He’s the strength of my life; therefore, I am bold and courageous at all times! In the time of trouble, I am shielded in His pavilion; I dwell under His mighty arm of protection! He’s my refuge and my fortress, and I triumph gloriously in His Name. I am His living tabernacle! He talks through me, moves through me, and expresses His love and righteousness through me!
My spirit, soul, and body are sanctified for the Master’s sacred use, and His glory is revealed more and more in me today and always. I am a tree of righteousness; the planting of the Lord. I am planted in the house of the Lord, and I flourish and produce excellent results. I am fruitful and productive; I bring forth fruits at all times. I am in Christ; I’ve got divine health working in every fibre of my being, every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body!
Divinity is expressed through me, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! No evil or negative imagination has a place in my heart! My mind is inundated with the Word, with which I prevail over all the fiery darts of the enemy! My Words are seasoned; for I’ve been chosen, ordained, commissioned, and appointed to bring forth lasting results. I experience the power and supernatural grace of God today, as I make manifest the saviour of the knowledge of Christ, in every place. Glory to God.
o Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
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God bless you.
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Sis.Obianuju uche
Am bold and courageous at all times.The lord is my refuge and fortress.Glory to God
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Happy Birthday my dearest Sis. Felister. Today is a celebration of an ardent soul winner. May the seed of love you have sown in God’s name answer for you whenever the needs arise. Great is your testimony. I love you greatly
??Beautiful Super Duper Sunday Service ?????
Photos Speaks ?
?Every Segment was edifying!!
Brethren received packages of blessings ?
Wonderful dance from our talented group for Super Sunday???
The Count-Up is on, from Friday 25th through to Saturday 26th JUNE 2021 from 6pm GMT+1/1pm EST, for another glorious opportunity to pray and make Power available for desired changes in our world! Spread the word to everyone in your sphere of contact, using this link- http://bit.ly/GlobalDOP
Thank you, Pastor, during the lockdown my husband and I were at home for the last two months and we started watching your fasting and prayers program and we had at heart, how our rent will be paid. And one day we received by cheque via mail, (this was a surprise for us) a gift from our foothill church. We never asked anyone except the Lord. There is a healing testimony also as my husband now prays for sick people to receive healing too.
All glory to God!
Be a proud SPONSOR of the live Transmission of the June Global Day of Fasting and Prayer, taking the divine presence of God to millions of homes!
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Spread God’s Love NOW! Send this link??? http://bit.ly/Transform-a-Life-Today to a friend or loved one out there needing Salvation!
JOIN our Yookos Community ? https://bit.ly/CEOP-Yookos
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Updated her profile photo
The Count-Up is on, from Friday 25th through to Saturday 26th JUNE 2021 from 6pm GMT+1/1pm EST, for another glorious opportunity to pray and make Power available for desired changes in our world! Spread the word to everyone in your sphere of contact, using this link- http://bit.ly/GlobalDOP
Thank you, Pastor, during the lockdown my husband and I were at home for the last two months and we started watching your fasting and prayers program and we had at heart, how our rent will be paid. And one day we received by cheque via mail, (this was a surprise for us) a gift from our foothill church. We never asked anyone except the Lord. There is a healing testimony also as my husband now prays for sick people to receive healing too.
All glory to God!
Be a proud SPONSOR of the live Transmission of the June Global Day of Fasting and Prayer, taking the divine presence of God to millions of homes!
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Spread God’s Love NOW! Send this link??? http://bit.ly/Transform-a-Life-Today to a friend or loved one out there needing Salvation!
JOIN our Yookos Community ? https://bit.ly/CEOP-Yookos
How beautiful are the works of your hands Oh Lord!
…but be thou…made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel (2 TIMOTHY 1:8-10)
In Christ Jesus, life and immortality have been unveiled. This life isn’t the mere human or biological life that’s depraved, degenerate and broken; it’s the life and nature of God that transcends the ordinary human life. In 1 John 5:13, the Apostle John writes, “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life….” So, being a Christian means that the human life that’s subject to death, with which you came into this world, has been supplanted by the life and nature of God, making you immortal; divine……
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